Wednesday, April 16, 2008

new roots song

i remember reading ?uestlove from the roots, talking about that he was unhappy that andre from outkast had beat him to making the first black modern pop rock song, when 'dre made "hey ya!". now i think the roots finally managed to make a pop rock song that topped "the seed 2.0":

i hope that their new cd which will be released on april 29, which i plan to buy, will be as good as all their other cds. for my opinion on the roots check this [link].


cartadosahba said...

just letting you know that i subscribed to your blog!

sahba from portugal

ps: would be awesome if you'd reconfigure your rss settings so each post appears complete in the rss feed, and not partial :)
ps2: hattip to the roots, man...

cartadosahba said...

this song was so amazing. but then the video had to come along. how ridiculous.

unless it's some supremely ironic satirical comment on something i haven't quite figured out.