Friday, November 30, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
getting my attention..
Sometimes there i question why i like the website FreeDarko, but when they do a post where they compare the characterization of players as either hard work/blue collar with lazy rich/bourgeois, there is really no reason for not loving them. they are awesome at finding different angles to sports than the ones that the usual sports writers find. anyone can write about some game, but finding actual themes in the sports writing on a macro level is really cool. so please dont hate on the intellectuals, instead enjoy their brilliance. read the post HERE
ps i am not going to say i understand all the concept brought to life on the blog, but i do enjoy reading it
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Labels: Sports, Stephan Recommends, websites
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
black republican?
da jeg er utilfreds med resultatet fra valget i går er jeg gået videre til det amerikanske valg. jeg har fandt ved et tilfælde en test (link) på usa today. til min overraskelse er jeg vist blevet republikaner.
måske er jeg bare lidt anderledes end de fleste kandidater og har en anden opfattelse af hvad de forskellige spørgsmål betyder. dette har ingen indflydelse på min stemme. jeg håber at kunne støtte obama hvis han stiller op til præsident.
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Labels: holla, In danish, politics, ridiculous things
Monday, November 12, 2007
Cee-lo dropping some knowledge and Fallin'
jump forward to about where there is 3 mins left and enjoy his magnificent flow...
next song. a new favorite song from my favorite rapper:
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Labels: Music, Stephan Recommends, youtube
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I have decided to introduce a simple new feature on this blog, where I post links to thing i feel need to share with people. Basically its all the site I have enjoyed visiting since last time I posted a collection. Any way here comes the first installment: No its another site that tries to free a basketball player from the bench, to be able to unleash his potential. But its a site the gives 10 grains of rice to "hungry human beings" for every word you get correct. It seems legit, they will help the UN, through the sponsors on the site. So you can take a vocab quiz and give something to other people by knowing the words. So start giving HERE
(heard about it on the radio, but a hat-tip to afshin for the link)
Ever wanted a site that explain the life of Bahá'u'lláh through pictures. Well here it is. The Bahá'í World News Service describes it like this: "Rather than providing a comprehensive history or literary presentation of the Baha'i Faith, the new Web site aims rather to be impressionistic" So enjoy the presentation HERE
Musik Nu! and Angora By Night A good radio program about music - in danish. Who recommend new music and try keep people up on the newest music. I was fully enthralled last time I listened to it. Especially the interview they had with the singer from Bloc Party. So either listen to it online or as a podcast. Website HERE
While I'm recommending danish stuff, there is the danish satire show Angora By Night. Great for laughs, but sometimes a little too much. You can view all their shows HERE
This pretty much concludes the first batch, I hope to post more links regularly.
Before I end I just want to give a link to a great resource if you need to look thing up on the nets: Another link is to a review of the new Jay-Z CD, holla! (link)
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Labels: Bahá'í, In danish, Music, Stephan Recommends
Thursday, November 08, 2007
valg plakat
Jeg har lavet min egen valg plakat. Håber den kan bruges af liste Y. Naser, holla at ya boy!
(NB: Jeg stemmer på ingen måde på Naser)
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Labels: In danish, politics, ridiculous things