Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Keeping the boycott

After reading the news about some workers in a KB in New Mexico, I've found another reason to boycott Kurger Bing. They placed cannabis in the burgers of two cops (link). Yep, I loved eating there, but their fall from grace just continues.

In danish:

Politiken.dk artikelen om nogle unge fyre som syntes at det var sjovt at placere cannabis i en burger, hos to politibetjente. Jeg mener at folk kan gøre lige hvad de vil for at skade sig selv, men det er vel direkte dumt at forsøge at gøre politifolk skæve. Håber ikke det går udover KB, men at de 3 idioter får en rimelig lærestreg.

Kurger Bings nye logo...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boycott away Stephan, KB is the home of the Whopper--you'll be back.

Funny story though.